On Thursday I will be a guest at the Meeting of Comunione e Liberazione in Rimini. During the meeting we will be mainly talking about young people, their difficulties in finding a stable job and imagining a solid future.
I am convinced that the youth unemployment issue is crucial to the fate of our society. It is a globally recognized emergency but never enough is done about it. Data and statistics give us a worrying scenario that is progressively worsening. According to an estimate of the ILO (International Labour Organization) the number of unemployed people under 30 is around 100 million. And Europe, as we know, is certainly not immune to this “disease”.
Despite their preparation and qualifications– let’s not forget that this is probably the most educated generation in history – those under 30 today cannot seem to find a job market that properly appreciates them.
This is a loss not only for them but for society as a whole: a society that desperately needs new energies and sensibilities to reinvent itself, to find new ways of imagining its own future. A society that fails to realize that the new, which many still have trouble imagining, is already there waiting, between the rows of a neglected generation, ready to be translated into reality.